Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tyler Roses

Wednesday morning my doorbell rang unexpectedly. To my surprise and delight, there was a bouquet of roses so large, I could barely see the delivery woman. I brought them inside and tore open the card. "Thanks for a memorable weekend. All my love, Mike." My fears that Mike's feelings had changed once he got home, were diminishing. A lot of people are familiar with the famous Tyler roses but you can't appreciate their incredible beauty until you receive them in real-life. These were the biggest, most gorgeous roses I had ever seen. I often find myself speaking in superlatives when I refer to things having to do with Mike but I am sincere.

I immediately sat down and wrote him an email to try to express my feelings.

My Dear Sweet Mike,

You are the most wonderful man I have ever known. Please believe I am sincere when I say that. I love you more than I ever imagined was humanly possible. When I gave birth to Trent, and truth be told from the moment I found out I was pregnant, I felt an all-encompassing love. It increased exponentially when Darcie was born. It is a love without anger; selfless, pure, understanding and ever-forgiving. I thought that kind of love only existed between a parent and child. Or if it could exist between a man and a woman, I was incapable of feeling it because of some flaw in my character. I realize now that it was neither a lack of existence nor a personal flaw, it was just outside of my experience. Mike, I have found that love with you. The adjectives are insufficient, the language weak, but the feelings I have for you are so powerful, I have to learn how to manage them.

You are the last thing I think about when I fall asleep and the first image in my mind when I wake. Be assured that I am smiling all the while. Even as tears fill my eyes for the want of being in your arms, my heart is filled with joy. Thank you for changing my life and showing me that true love really does exist.

And lest I forget the original purpose of this email, thank you for the beautiful flowers. You may be getting tired of hearing me say these things, but flowers have never meant so much to me before. I touched them, caressed them, stared at them, and sat next to them. I read your sweet note and loved it. The universe or at least my universe, has shifted to a place more brilliant, colorful and glorious. I told Trent tonight that I am happier than I have ever been in my life.

I am counting the days until we are together again.

All my love,


Not only was I counting the days, but the hours and the minutes as well.

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