Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Mike moved from the chair to the couch so finally I was sitting next to him. I breathed in his heavenly scent. I could practically feel the pheromones assaulting my senses. My body literally tingled as we gazed into each others' eyes and continued to get reacquainted. How was I able to carry on a conversation when the only thing running through my head was kiss me, kiss me, kiss me? I was transported back to the living room of my childhood home where Mike and I had spent so many nights studying Chemistry and talking about life and love. Gone was the woman who had the strength to end a marriage of 18 years. Gone was the woman who proudly defied the need for a relationship with a man. Gone was the woman who had steeled her heart and built walls no man could penetrate. In her place was a girl of sixteen, trying to show the handsome senior that she was interested in him (as if leaping into his arms at the airport were not demonstrative enough). Would he get the message this time?

As if reading my mind, Mike slipped his arm around me and pulled me in close. I snuggled against his chest and felt like this must be heaven. It was a perfect fit. And it was enough for now.

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