Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Today Mike and I celebrate 34 months of glorious love, despite the 900 miles that separate us. This may seem silly to some folks, considering how "mature" Mike and I are, (and by mature I mean old) but it works for us and it's one of the many things we do to acknowledge our love and keep it strong. We used to call it a "fill-in-the-blank" month anniversary until my son pointed out that, by definition, it could not be an anniversary. So we changed it to a monthiversary. Like I said, the corniness works for us.

All too often, relationships begin to get stale. It's so common that the phrase, "the honeymoon's over," is tossed about with light-hearted smiles. Even though the honeymoon may be over and both partners are no longer on their best behavior, it's still possible to keep the love alive and fresh. This is particularly important in a long-distance relationship where there is always the risk of out-of-sight-out-of-mind. I'm not saying you need to be as corny as Mike and I, but find what works for you and your partner and make the effort.

Meanwhile, I'm counting down the two weeks until Mike's next visit.

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