Thursday, August 7, 2008

Like Father Like Son

When Mike first emailed me and I invited him for a visit, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I had hopes there would be some romance involved. After all, I had such a huge crush on him in high school. But because we lived in different states and had children to consider, I never really thought about the possibility of it turning into a full-fledged relationship. In fact, in one of his emails to me he said his children had given him permission to come visit me as long as he promised not to move to Dallas. I jokingly responded, "Never make promises you may not want to keep." (see the post Planning a Visit)

I think we were both surprised and overwhelmed by the intensity of the feelings we had from the very first moment we saw each other at the airport. Even then, I don't think we imagined what lay ahead. Although we both acknowledged the challenges we faced, we knew we had to give it a shot. I could almost hear Cupid laughing at how, once again, he coerced another couple to ignore practicality and geography. We don't chose the timing or the direction of one of his arrows, we only heed the call.

And so it is with Mike's son. Just as he's about ready to leave for college, he has been pierced by Cupid's weapon of choice. The question now, is how deeply? Although I don't want him to suffer the emotional roller coaster that's been our experience, I do hope he will become more sympathetic to the plight Mike and I share. Time (and distance) will tell.

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