Friday, December 29, 2006

Planning a Visit

For the last 6 years I had attended my children's high school football games alone. For some reason, I would get particularly melancholy at Homecoming games so I had invited Mike for Homecoming weekend on November 4th. Just to add a bit of encouragement, I shot off an email.

Me again,

It was so wonderful to hear your voice and catch up a bit. I REALLY hope you decide to come visit, if not the weekend of the 4th then sometime very soon.

I’m tingly at the thought!


I sing and dance in a Sweet Adeline's chorus that rehearses every Tuesday night. Since this was Tuesday, I had to get to rehearsal. We were preparing for International competition and I had to be at the rehearsal hall at 5:00 PM. Knowing I wouldn't get home until nearly 11:00 PM, I checked my email right before I left the house - nothing! The first thing I did on my return was check my email and I could barely contain my excitement when I found an email from Mike in my Inbox.


I'd LOVE to come see you. Believe it or not, I'm actually looking at flight options right now. When would you prefer that I come? I can either come in on Thursday around 4:15 , or on Friday at 1:20PM.

I've already cleared the trip with my kids, as long as I promise not to relocate to Dallas permanently.

Let me know your thoughts,


I responded immediately!

Well, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible, I vote for Thursday!

Have you ever been to Dallas? Don’t make any promises you might not want to keep. :>) Dallas is a great place!

My heart was racing again. Why was I so thrilled with all of this? I kept telling myself not to get too carried away.

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