Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Can Long-Distance Relationships Work?

Long-distance relationships have been going on probably as long as humans have walked the earth. And yet, we still ask the question - can they work? The short answer is... YES! Obviously they can and do work. Nobody said they are easy.

Since I've begun writing about LDRs, I've heard lots of stories. It seems nearly everyone has had some kind of LDR in their life. Often it's the high school sweethearts who venture off to different colleges. And let's not forget all our wonderful folks in the military. Talk about a challenging separation.

I was at a friend's birthday party last weekend and I spoke to a woman who had an LDR for many years. It eventually resulted in a marriage that is now in it's 26th year. She and her then boyfriend, now husband were in the military. Their story is a happily ever after.

I can honestly say I am not a fan of long-distance relationships, but the truth is, the love of my life lives 900 miles away and I will do whatever it takes to keep him in my life. And if I'm truly honest with myself, I would have to admit that in some ways, the distance has helped us build our relationship in ways that we would not have done otherwise. We know we are completely committed to one another because it takes one heck of a commitment to maintain a long-distance relationship. We know that what we have is true love and not infatuation or lust because lust can not be satisfied across the miles.

So despite the difficulties and the lonely nights spent apart, if Mike and I are any indication, you can indeed, have a very successful long-distance relationship. And it's definitely worth it.

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