Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Olympics and a Lesson in Restraint

Yesterday I wrote about Mike and eagerly anticipating football season and watching games together. Well, football is not the only sport we watch together. We also watch baseball, basketball and hockey.

Right now, we're watching the Olympics but instead of the 5-7 second broadcast delay we're used to, there is a one hour difference. So I see everything an hour before Mike does. Of course, he doesn't want to know the results so I have to be very careful about how I react and what I say. I have to admit I've had a few slips. So whenever Michael Phelps would swim, we'd hang up for the race and after I composed myself from the excitement, I would call him back and not say a word. We did the same thing for several of the women's swimming events and several track events as well.

It's been a real lesson in restraint for me. Perhaps it will help me think twice before blurting something out that is better left unsaid.

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