Monday, August 11, 2008

RV or Mansion?

I can't believe it's Monday and my visit with my sweetie is coming to an end. Our time apart seems painfully long while our time together flies by. We've had a great time as always. We went to a Rockies game on Friday night which they miraculously won considering their recent poor performance. It was a family night with Mike, his daughter and her boyfriend, his son and his new sweetie and me, of course.

On Saturday we went to an RV show. It was our initial investigation into the world of RVing as we've decided to pursue that lifestyle. Our thoughts are that we will travel around this beautiful country trying to figure out where we will ultimately settle. The RVs were amazingly nice - some were downright luxurious - and I got very excited at the prospect of traveling for awhile. All I need is an Internet connection and my beloved and I'm good to go.

Then yesterday we went to a Parade of Homes. Talk about luxury and, dare I say it, over-indulgence. These homes were typically between 8500 and 9000 square feet and cost over $2.5 million. Of course, they were gorgeous but sadly, they were nearly on top of each other with very little yard and a beautiful mountain view soon to be obscured by continued development. Each home had great features but also things I didn't particularly care for. If I were going to pay $2.5 mil for a house, it better be exactly what I want and be sitting on a white, sandy beach. :-) I can dream, can't I?

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