Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here it is... the day before Thanksgiving, and I'm facing another holiday away from my sweet Mike. Are you facing the same sad situation? This is actually our fourth Thanksgiving spent in separate states! And no, it doesn't get any easier. Yes, I've resigned myself to our plight but it makes it no less heart-wrenching.

To add to my separation anxiety, my daughter did not get to come home. With the current economic turmoil, we couldn't justify spending $700 for 2 days at home - despite how important I think it is for family to be together. I wish the airlines would have a special Thanksgiving airfare for college students but that's a whole other topic.

So what do I plan to do? How will I manage the day? I'm going to spend it surrounded by friends and family who will help distract me. Tonight I'm going to bake some delicious Pumpkin Pie Cakes. Tomorrow I will get up, go to church, and most importantly, remember the purpose of the day. I will write down everything I have to be thankful for. The list is long - not the least of which are my loved ones both near and far and the many blessings I have in my life.

And Mike, a special thanks to you for bringing such joy to my life, even at a distance.

I wish all of you the blessings of family and friends, good food and fellowship, and love.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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