Thursday, January 29, 2009

Long-Distance Forever?

Sometimes it seems like my long-distance relationship will remain long-distance forever. And sometimes that doesn't seem like such a bad idea. I've been on my own for so long now that I sometimes wonder if Mike and I can really forge a life together. There are so many sacrifices to be made that it frightens me to even consider stepping off that ledge.

And then I think about how incredible it feels to be in his arms. And how much I love to hear him laugh. And how long I can just gaze into his beautiful eyes. And I realize that somehow, we will have to find a way.

I'm inspired by a woman in my chorus who truly put it all on the line. Like the rest of us, she fell in love with someone geographically undesireable. She bravely and boldy packed up her life and moved to Mexico to be with him. I admire her spirit and hope that when the time is right, I can make the transition with as much gusto as she did.

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